May 6, 2024


Exercise makes you strong

Supporting Your Child’s Basketball Career and Being a Great Parent

Is There a Secret to Happy Parenting?


Negative kid sports parents are easy to spot. They shout at the referees and trash the coach. This is never a pleasant sight during a youth basketball game. And their child is perplexed by their parent’s actions. You can’t be an effective basketball shooter if have such a parent.


It’s easy for parents, like players and coaches, to get caught up in the competitive atmosphere of sports. As a consequence, watching their child achieve fills them with joy. In basketball, many parents have lost sight of what is vital due to adult-fueled rivalry, and parental want to see their child succeed.


Some parents attend sports to cheer on their children, regardless of the outcome. These are the parents we need more of.


Here are some pointers for becoming a great basketball parent.

  1. Remember that winning isn’t everything.


It doesn’t matter if the coach doesn’t use his top five players. Any charge call or block call made by the official is valid.


It doesn’t matter whether the coach had a horrible play in the first half that led to a turnover. Many factors of youth basketball are more essential than the success of your child’s basketball team. Avoid child sports if you want to win.

  1. Prioritize your child’s pleasure.


How essential is winning over your child’s joy? All parents should be worried about their kids’ enjoyment. Is your child fond of practice? Is your kid a fan of the coach’s personality? Is there none of them that excite them.


If the coach trains them too much with a basketball training machine, and every game is about overpowering the opponent. What happens if this “great” team fails? While they’ll win a lot, their players will eventually loathe basketball.

  1. Don’t put too much pressure on your child. 


Many people will pressure you as a player to improve your sport by training more, playing harder, earning more points, etc.


“You know it cost us an arm and a leg to come on this trip,” parents often remind their kids of the financial and time commitments involved in youth sports. So be sure it’s worth it.


Playing under pressure is no longer enjoyable. It may be distressing for a youngster to feel pressured to perform to match their parents’ or coaches’ expectations. So, what happens? They stopped training with their rebounder basketball machine and eventually stop playing sports because they no longer enjoyed it.

  1. Try not to live out your dreams via the youngster.


Perhaps it is time to pull back from your kid’s sports success if you find yourself becoming more excited about it than they are? Parental remorse about squandered sports possibilities is common, and parents resolve to avoid the same fate with their children.


Let them discover their route instead of following the one you’ve drawn up for them in your imagination.

  1. Recognize that your kid will probably never play professionally.

If you’re curious about your high school player’s odds of getting a college scholarship or playing in the NBA, here is the place to start.


It is quite improbable that your kid will have a successful career as a professional sportsman. What is the actual number? 2 – 3 players out of 10,000.


Treat them like they won’t be going pro when it comes to kids’ sports. Allow kids to develop a passion for the sport without the extra strain of making it to the major levels.

  1. Your youngster should be allowed to choose their sport.


Keep your youngster from being forced to participate in a sport that you find uninteresting. Just because you were a basketball standout in high school and have loved the sport since you could walk doesn’t imply your kid wants to follow in your footsteps.


A child’s primary motivation for participating in young sports is to have fun. A sport they don’t love will eventually quit if you push them to participate.


Even if you don’t share their passion for sports, give them the chance to pursue their hobbies.

  1. Look for a good coach


Unfortunately, this is not a possibility for everyone. If you’re on a high school team to acquire a new basketball coach, don’t switch schools (though it happens).


When our coaches encourage parents to seek a coach, they have strange expressions on their faces. For others, switching teams is a “cop-out,” and they should simply live with the coach they’ve been given instead.


When it comes to youth basketball, we don’t support athletes moving from one school to another to go on the team with the best chance of winning.


We need to make it clear that whether the team is winning is irrelevant. Is the coach a good fit for kids basketball? That is the most crucial question.


If you’re concerned about your child’s present coach, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • – Does your child enjoy playing for the coach?
  • – Does the coach talk to them like they’re kids?
  • – Does the coach care about the players?
  • – Is the coach coaching for the right reasons?
  • – Is the coach only focusing on the best players?
  • – Is the coach treating the season like the NBA playoffs?


Don’t be afraid to look for a different team if you think the coach isn’t ideal for young basketball.

  1. Entrust the coaching to the coach


Don’t coach if you’re not the coach.


There is a significant issue with parents teaching their own children from the sidelines because the player will wind up with the coach urging them to do one thing and the parents telling them to do something different. This puts the youngster in a problematic situation of picking between making one person happy and disappointing another.


Young athletes shouldn’t be subjected to this kind of stress. If you can’t stop yourself, offer to lead the squad at the beginning of the season when it comes to coaching. If you don’t want to be a full-time coach for the whole season, keep cheering them on from the sidelines.

  1. Let the coach know if you have a problem or question.


In too many cases, parents refuse to meet with their child’s coach to address their issue. It’s not uncommon for them to communicate their concerns about the coach with other parents and friends while also disparaging remarks about his performance. In the long run, this does nothing except exacerbate the issue.


If you ever run into a problem, make an appointment with the coach so you can talk about it. “Why isn’t my guy getting a lot of court time?” is a common one. “Why do the players have to run so much during training?”


All excellent instructors will gladly respond and discuss your issues if you properly ask them. That being said, you must be prepared to accept a response you don’t necessarily want to hear.

  1. Never question a coach’s authority.


Don’t tell your youngster about it when you disagree with the coach’s choices. It will only result in your youngster losing faith in the coach and questioning every choice the coach makes in the future.


That’s something that no coach should have to deal with. This will make it much more difficult to persuade everyone to join in and agree on a course of action. Instead, arrange a meeting with the coach if you disagree with a coaching choice and believe it is serious enough to address.


Basketball is all about the kids. Adults are not included. Basketball games for kids under 12 should not be considered as NBA finals. It should be a place to learn, stay active, shoot basketball, and meet new people. We must do everything possible to keep kids in sports. Parents may significantly impact their children’s enjoyment and learning through sports.