May 3, 2024


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Custom-Printed Vinyl Decal – The Favorite Promotional Tool of New-Age Brands

Hittn' Skins - A Custom Promotional Items Printer Located In Orlando, FL

The COVID19 pandemic made many people rethink their careers. That’s why 2021 was the year of new entrepreneurs and businesses. Over 5.4 million new business applications were filed in 2021 — the highest ever. These new companies are impacting global businesses, including the way businesses market themselves to target customers.

New businesses typically have limited marketing resources. But, that doesn’t mean these companies don’t have marketing objectives. Small and new businesses constantly find new, more cost-effective ways to promote their businesses. Custom-printed vinyl decal is a traditional printed marketing tool famous for its cost-effectiveness.

This simple promotional tool has become super-popular among new businesses. Why are new-age businesses turning to this old-school marketing tool? There are several reasons.

The Appeal of Custom-Printed Vinyl Stickers and Decals

Vinyl decal stickers can be used in various applications, marketing being one of them. They’re widely considered to be extremely user-friendly promotional tools because they’re cheap, long-lasting, and simple to apply. These stickers give new business owners the chance to cost-effectively decorate their workspaces. The decorative stickers also help them promote their brands in various ways.

Easy to Apply

Decals are super-easy to apply. That’s why small and new businesses with limited or no marketing professionals love using these decals. You can attach these decals on all hard surfaces – glass, wood, steel, and even concrete.

  • Don’t have someone to install a billboard for your brand? No worries! You can attach opaque decals to your store’s windows and convert them into mini-billboards.
  • Can’t afford a fancy paint job for your new office? Don’t worry. With custom-printed decals, you can decorate the office space yourself. 

Decal buyers also get full customization control. They can print all types of sophisticated graphics, brand messages, brand logos, etc., on these decals. Hence, you’re not only decorating your store or office space with these stickers – but you’re also building brand awareness.

Eco-Friendly Marketing Tools

The youth is rightly concerned with the environmental impacts of their actions. New-age brand leaders are no different. They only want to invest in environmentally sound marketing tools and strategies. That’s why eco-friendly vinyl stickers and decals are in huge demand. Unlike painting products that contain volatile structured compounds (VOC), vinyl stickers and decals don’t contain any harmful chemicals.

Decorating a brand-new store or office space with decals and not paint makes more sense. Plus, vinyl is a durable and reusable material. Your custom-printed decals will last for years. You won’t need to buy new marketing tools every few weeks. Plus, when you’re done using your vinyl decals – you can send them for recycling!


New-age brand leaders want to be flexible and versatile. They don’t want to use the same marketing tools that their predecessors used. They rightfully want new options. That’s exactly what these brand leaders get when they’re shopping for custom decals. They can choose from clear (transparent) decals, semi-translucent decals, opaque decals, and one-way vision decals. They can even get a mixture of different types of decals to create amazing decorations inside their workspaces.

These qualities make custom vinyl stickers and decals extremely popular among new-age brand leaders.